Support us with our kids and household in Lenggries, Bavaria, Germany



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description


    Hey Guys and workawayers!

    We´re a young family with four young kids, living in the mountains of Bavaria near austria, embedded in a beautiful landscape with clear lakes and the wild mountain river Isar. As an active pair we´re looking for a little relief and an adequate support in caring for our kids and the household. Preferred a woman. In exchange you will have a room for yourself in the cellar (with windows ;-)) and the food in line with the family dinners is for free. Our town, Lenggries is the second largest skiing area in germany (21 skiingmiles) and there are lots of opportunities enjoying outdoor activities, like hiking, canyoing, rafting, paragliding, biking and much more.

    We´re living in a nature paradise, surrounded by lake Walchensee, lake Kochel or Sylvensteinspeicher and the capitol of Bavaria, Munich, is only about 50 Minutes nortwards. So, you´re about to experiencing great nature here and there are other learning opportunities as well. My wife Sue is besides her mothership a physiotherapist and ostepath whilst I´m a health scientist, psychological counsellor traimatherapist special needs educator and a guitar teacher. We´re furthermore both yogateachers and passionated climbers. We speak fluently english, german and I´ve furthermore spanish and hungarian skills. We both are very interested in indian culture (Buddhism/Sikh/ Hindu/ Vedic) in Irish culture and deepen our language skills and helping to deepen yours. If you are interested in music there are learning opportunities for you as well. So, we´re looking forward meeting you here.

    Bright Blessings, Erin and Sue

    Hallo Workawayer!

    Wir sind eine junge Familie, mit drei kleinen Kindern und Leben in den Bergen Oberbayerns in der Nähe von Österreich, eingebettet in einer wundervollen Landschaft mit klaren Seen und dem wilden Bergfluss Isar. Als aktives Paar wünschen wir uns ein wenig Unterstützung in der Betreuung unserer Kinder sowie Hilfe im Haushalt. Bevorzugt durch eine Frau. Im Austausch hierfür hast du hier einen Raum für Dich und das Essen im Rahmen der gemeinsamen Familienmahlzeiten ist frei. Unsere Dorf Lenggries beherbergt das zweitgrößte Skigebiet Deutschlands (34 Pistenkilometer) und es gibt hier eine Menge anderer Gelegenheiten für Outdoor Aktivitäten wie Wandern, Canyoing, Rafting, Paragliding, Biking und so vieles mehr.

    Wir Leben in einem Naturparadis umgeben vom Walchensee, Kochelsee oder dem Sylvensteinspeicher u.a. und die Hauptstadt Bayerns, München, liegt auch nur ca. 50 Minuten nordwärts. Du hast bei uns also die Gelegenheit großartige Naturerfahrung zu machen und es gibt noch weitere Lern- und Erfahrungsmöglichkeiten für Dich. Meine Frau ist neben ihrer Rolle als Mutter Physiotherapeutin und Osteopathin, während ich Gesundheitswissenschaftler, psychologischer Berater und Gitarrenlehrer bin. Beide sind wir außerdem noch Yogalehrer und begeisterte Bergsportler und Kletterer. Wir sprechen beide fließend Englisch und Deutsch und ich habe darüberhinaus Kenntnisse in Spanisch und Ungarisch auf Level B1. Wir sind beide als Yogalehrer sehr interessiert in indischer kultur und Philosophei (Sikhismus/ Hindu/ Veden), Erin in irischer Kultur und Musik. Und wenn du in Musik interessiert bist kannst du hier auch viel lernen, da ich neben meinen anderen Berufen auch Musiklehrer bin.

    Wenn das also gut klingt für dich sagen wir mal,
    Bis bald in Oberbayern,
    Herzlich, Pfiadi,

    Erin und Sue

  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    Babysitting and creative play
    Help around the house
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    On one side as abvoe described is Bavaria a nature paradise, surrounded by mountains -the fore alps and the Karwendel- embedded in a landscape with lots of lakes and rivers like Walchensee, Kochelsee, Spitzingsee, Ammersee, Schliersee, Osterseen, Isar, Loisach, Leger and so much more and mountains sorrounding up to 3000 meters (e.g. the "Zugspitze" with its peak of 9842 feet).

    On the other side Bavaria is a part in germany, which shelters their ancient traditions. So you can see both, people wearing traditional costumes and taking care of their habits, like beeing engaged in folk music. The traditions can also be found in handcraft, traditional architecture like trimmed and sweet houses, state buildings with baroque fronts and much more. Ancient churches can be visited, preserved from two world wars. Traditional handcraft and ancient customs can be experienced as well, for instance traditional bakery art, raftsman constructing floats, blacksmith hammering Metal or even alpine dairyman making cheese...

    And if you need more action, then munich with all its shopping facilities and cultural treasures, like the "Frauenkirche", Castle "Nymphenburg", Mary Square, Stachus, Alliance Arena, the english Garden, the residence, the olympiapark, the animals garden in Hellabrunn, theters, cinemas, festivals, concerts and all its diversity is waiting to be discovered.

    And if this is not enough, austria and italy (South tirol) is just a leap away. Within 25 Minutes you´re in austria and can relax at the Achensee or if you go just 1,5 h by car you even reach italy.

    In our familiy we´re open for outdoor activities, nature experience, Yoga and Awareness, buddhism (That´s especialley Erins interst) , deepening language skills, healthy nutrition, psychology, music and more.

  • Projects involving children

    Projects involving children

    This project could involve children. For more information see our guidelines and tips here.

  • Help


    1. Helping us caring the children, like playing, changing nappies, watching out, promoting them, go for a walk..

    2. Support in our household like cleaning the table, dishwashing, tidy up, folding the laundry, put out the waste...

    3. Support us gardening, for instance snow shoveling, mowing the lawn..

  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Beginner
    Hungarian: Beginner

  • Accommodation


    You have a big and cosy room for yourselv in the Cellar, with carpet and a doublebed, a locker, bookshelf, table, chairs; fotos of the room will be posted soon...

    You have to share the bathroom with us!

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    Waht can you do here? Climbing, mountain hiking, biking, Skiing, Paragliding and Canyoing in the mountain and Lake paradise Lenggries, Bavaria, with its wild mountain river Isar..

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    Maximum 5 hours a day, 5 days a week

Host ref number: 195386575642

Feedback (12)



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Accuracy of profile:

Cultural exchange:


Harmonic life together on the biggest river-island in Europe, Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, Germany
Community interested in food saving, veganism, environmentalism and gardening in Lower Saxony, Germany