Blog posts by Sarah

  • about 7 min
9 Workaway myths that stop you from travelling long term on a budget

The travellers’ circuit changes almost daily..through all your travelling stories and photos, we’re inspired to debunk some myths we’ve heard about Workaway to help you all understand exactly what we are all about.

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  • about 6 min
10 things to do right now to achieve your travel goals next year

Wait up, where did that year go? We definitely missed out on some of our bucket list items this year… but there's no need to be upset! Here’s what you can do right now to make sure you get to where you want to be in the new year.

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  • about 9 min
14 Irresistible Workaway experiences to give back to the world

You all know by now how Workaway works and the benefits of volunteering compared to aimless travel, so we won’t go on about that again, but sometimes it’s just nice to highlight some of the 50,000+ opportunities in over 170 countries we now have online – especially the ones that are really making a difference to our planet and are giving back to the local communities!

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  • about 7 min
Top budgeting tips on how to afford and plan your big trip

The ultimate dream for most travellers: to be able to travel all around the world, one country at a time, without a worry in the world. But how will we be able to afford it?

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  • about 5 min
10 Tips and Resources to Meet People While Travelling Solo

Ironic as it may sound, to travel solo rarely means to travel alone. We’ve all been there, but we also understand those nerves and ‘what if’s’ you are feeling. So let us help you get that first step in the door with our favourite tips and resources on how to connect with friends as a solo traveller!

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  • about 4 min
Solo, single and in your 30s: Travellers, isn’t it time you settle down?

Single? Travelling alone? Hitting your 30s or getting well into it? Isn’t it time you settle down? Don’t you ever get lonely without a partner or kids? Don’t you think the clock is ticking? And since when did life become so defined by relationships and age?!

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  • about 5 min
How to Maintain Your Long Distance Relationship & Friendships

One of the best and perhaps worst parts of travelling is falling in love, but we all know that “it is not goodbye, but see you soon”. Here are some tips to help you with your long distance relationship & friendships!

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  • about 3 min
6 Great websites that will actually save you money on your travels

“If travel was free, you’d never see us again.” Yeah, ok, we see this quote every other day. But it’s not free, so let’s move on. Let’s move on to making it a lot cheaper. These 6 brilliant websites will make it a lot easier for you to cut down your travel costs.

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  • about 7 min
Do we let technology define the way we travel?

Just how much has technology changed travel? Here in the Workaway office we were recently discussing how it was to travel back in the “old” days…

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  • about 4 min
The pros and cons of long term travel

Welcome to the age of millennial where nomads call the world their home and have no plans on returning back to ‘real life’. Everything we could possibly need is at the touch of our fingertips, travel is cheaper than ever, and we are reminded everyday of others travelling the world. There’s an influx of us travelling the world for extended periods of time. But what are the effects of this kind of lifestyle?

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  • about 4 min
Top 5 Excuses not to travel and how to overcome them

It’s the twenty first century, travel is the new movement, everyone is doing it, but we know that some of you are still out there constantly daydreaming about travelling the world one day, yet seem to find every excuse going. So we’re here to squash 5 of those excuses for you!

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  • about 3 min
7 Tips to travel like a local and avoid tourist traps

There’s nothing worse than getting stuck in a tourist trap. Sometimes fighting off crowds or forking out half your spending money to see a sight just isn’t worth the hype, but with these tips, you may be able to still see the sights just minus the tourists, or get some better ideas on alternatives.

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  • about 3 min
  • 1 Comment
7 Great tips for surviving the dreaded airport long haul layover

We’ve all done it; booked the cheapest plane ticket with the longest layover possible in an airport you can’t even pronounce, just to save a few pennies. Here’s some tips on how to get through unscathed!

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  • about 5 min
How I got ‘rich’ from travelling around the world

We’ve heard it all before – ‘I quit my job to travel the world’, but what is it really like when you are actually doing it? When you stop earning a guaranteed salary and start travelling without a wage? We decided to ask someone that knows all too well on how to really live off pennies, and the rewards that come with doing Workaway exchange.

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  • about 3 min
Solo Travel: 5 ways to overcome loneliness

Solo travel has countless benefits, BUT let’s not beat around the bush – it can be lonely. So rather than ignore it we’ve come up with some ideas to tackle it.

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  • about 5 min
The Truth Behind Those Stories of “I Quit My Job to Travel the World”

At Workaway we are avid travellers, worldwide wanderers and open road addicts, but there is definitely a right time to start to travel the world!

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  • about 3 min
10 of the most unique and amazing Workaway experiences!

These ones come from all over the globe, maybe some destinations you hadn’t even heard of, and definitely some workaway experiences you didn’t know existed.

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  • about 6 min
Life Lessons From Travelling & Workawaying Around the World

We all travel for different reasons; maybe we even travel for no reason, but whatever it is that inspires us to travel we never come home the same person. Your eyes have seen new things, your body has experienced new feelings and your heart has felt new emotions.

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  • about 2 min
Symptoms that reveal you’re turning into a backpacker

Ever thought that you might be turning into a backpacker? Better check out our 20 symptoms to diagnose yourself!

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