Posts tagged with: "comfort zone"

  • about 5 min
5 Fascinating things travel does to your brain

There’s a feeling that you get when you arrive in a new place: the adrenaline buzzes through your body, and everyday things that usually pass you by suddenly seem to be full of potential. We know that travel opens your eyes to the minutiae of life, and studies suggest that it opens up your brain as well. So what exactly is it about ‘travel’ that gets the cogs in our head turning?

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  • about 5 min
Dating someone with wanderlust: What is it like to fall in love with a traveller/ a workawayer?

The moment you realise you’ve fallen in love with a long term traveller and workawayer, you know it’s going to be nothing like the typical relationship you already know all too well…

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  • about 9 min
Experience a sustainable lifestyle in Sri Lanka amongst natural wildlife and local community

This big ol’ plantation-sized slice of paradise in Sri Lanka is not just a coconut estate! This month, host Tilak tells us how he created a haven of natural beauty and wildlife, while giving back to the local community and welcoming travellers to enjoy the village sustainably.

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  • about 9 min
Meet the workawayer who swapped retirement for a lifetime of travel adventures!

After 52 years of employment and family life Daniel decided to sell his house, his car and all his possessions and fulfill his dream of travelling the world after retirement. Nowadays his sole possessions are in his backpack, but even after two years on the road Workawaying he has never looked back.

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  • about 5 min
The workawayer who ran away from city life to live with huskies

After a two-year Workaway at a Norwegian husky farm, Marije gladly swaps city life with the companionship of 40 huskies and discovers the joys and strength it takes to go ‘back-to-basics’.

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  • about 4 min
6 fun ways to take risks while travelling

Will you answer the call? Will you say yes to adventure? Will you dive head first into the deep waters of discovery? Here are six ways you can answer YES and take a risk while traveling. Read on if you’re ready to throw caution to the wind and learn to soar!

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  • about 6 min
Volunteering on a farm: A city girl’s learning experience

In our brand-new ‘Workaway Ambassadors’ blog series, they will share their volunteering stories, travel hacks, tips and more to inspire you. Next up is the story of Workaway Ambasssador Nina (teamed up to travel together with Giuse), a born-and-raised city girl who left the comforts of home to experience life in rural Chile. Her story truly illustrates the transformative power of travel and cultural exchange!

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  • about 5 min
Feel the fear…and do it anyway: a solo traveller’s take on life

While travelling alone, I began wondering, what was the difference between rational and irrational fear? How do you overcome fear and step outside of your comfort zone?

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  • about 5 min
How I got ‘rich’ from travelling around the world

We’ve heard it all before – ‘I quit my job to travel the world’, but what is it really like when you are actually doing it? When you stop earning a guaranteed salary and start travelling without a wage? We decided to ask someone that knows all too well on how to really live off pennies, and the rewards that come with doing Workaway exchange.

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