Sue & Adrian

  • United Kingdom
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Profile information

  • Travel information

    We are currently

    At home

    Activities we are interested in:

    Open to any suggestions around the world

  • Description

    Hey prospective host,

    Many thanks for having a look at our profile.

    We are a married couple from England. We have travelled the world extensively and enjoy meeting new people from around the world.

    We also completed a year of travel around the world (March 2019 - March 2020) and returned home due to Covid 19. We love meeting people, experiencing new cultures, eating new foods, listening to new music and learning new ideas! The cats, dogs, pigs, cows, chickens are an added bonus.

    We really enjoy our interactions with hosts via Workaway as it helps with our understanding of a place/country. We have completed Workaway placements in Mexico (3), Guatemala, New Zealand (2), India (2) Czech Republic and Turkey (2).

    We are extremely hard workers and will give you 100% effort on your projects!

    We are:
    Honest, hardworking, energetic, resourceful, proactive, healthy.... and fun!
    We are not:
    Lazy, boring, judgemental, "old"!

    We are open to suggestions from any country, any type of work - just drop us an email. Magic can and does happen! Take care and hope to hear from you soon.

    Instagram: @so.happy.inde.travellers
    Thank you

  • Interests

    Self development
    Cooking & food
    Outdoor activities
    Plant care
    Vegetarian or vegan
    Politics / Social justice
    Movies & TV
    DIY & crafts
    Charity work
  • Languages

    Languages spoken
    English: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

    More details about my language interests
    We are complete Mexophiles - we were married in Mexico City!

    Find a language buddy

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Eco Projects
    Art Projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Life at a Farmstay
    Animal Care
    Charity Work
    Helping with Computers/ Internet

    Able to teach about:  

    DIY and building projects
    Babysitting and creative play
    Being an elderly companion
    General Maintenance
    Creating/ Cooking family meals
    Helping around the house
  • More details about your skills

    *️️️️️️️️️ Works in a Crisis Mental Health Team in the community. Also, very experienced in working with adults and children with a learning disability (and behaviours that challenge)
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Very experienced Sales, Advertising and Office Manager - B2B, individual companies and Key Account Customers
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Excellent problem solver and researcher
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Very good computer skills
    *️️ Great labourer!
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Intermediate Spanish
    *️️ Full Police Disclosure Certificate - no barring from any sector
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Qualified/Certificated Electrician (35+ years experience). Has worked on commercial, industrial and domestic settings
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Capable builder, renovator, project planner and completer
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Can turn his hand to most things
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Huge Rugby Fan - ex-player but now a wannabe coach!
    *️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️️ Beginner Spanish speaker

    Huge animal lovers!

  • Age

    65 & 59

  • What else ...

    We have been renovating our 114 year old home for the past 15 years. It would’ve been completed earlier but we do love to travel often! It has been great fun, working together, learning new skills etc. Sue tends to be the "labourer" while Adrian is the builder and planner. We reuse/recycle/repurpose any leftover materials to make even more beautiful things for our home and garden. We also enjoy growing our own vegetables in (homemade) planter boxes - we only have a small garden - showing our grandcubs that food does not always have to come from a supermarket.

    If you are not sure what we can do for you, please send us an email. We will answer you with honesty
    Thank you for reading this.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies

    • Special dietary requirements
      We are both vegetarians

  • Website Safety



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