Deniz & Tom

  • Germany
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  • Travel information

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  • Description

    Deniz, means sea in Turkish language and the wish my parents had, giving me this name, was to be as diverse as the sea can be. I was born and grew up in Germany, but there was always a close connection to Turkey as my father comes from Istanbul. I studied Psychology and worked a long time in the Human Ressources Department of a Company. English was the working language as the company has departments all over the world. As the professional and personal delevopment of each one was a strong motivation in my job I was interested in Coaching and Counselling a lot and attended special courses in that field. In my free time and while travelling I love to be outside in the nature and practice Yoga and Sports. A dream of mine is to be in a place where people come as guests and I can prepare a welcoming nice place and offer good food, because I like cooking a lot. And if this place would be at the sea it would be perfect.

    Tom, I also come from Germany and after being brought up in East Germany my family moved to the Western Part in the eighties. When the Berlin Wall came down it was a relief and joy for me. I then studied Theology but soon stepped into the World of Counselling, Psychotherapy and Coaching and worked as a Social Worker in Berlin at first. Meanwhile I am a freelancer as a Coach and Teacher in that field, enjoying the variety and freedom that this working condition provides. I have four younger sisters and brothers (who meanwhile have kids on their own), so being with children I was used from early childhood and I liked to take care and play with them. When I grew up I began to be very interested in poetry, music and performance arts and alongside meditation became a regular practice, which also plays an important role in both private and working life.

    Ava means „pleasant sound“ in Farsi. After pausing a while and welcoming her on this planet both in Germany and Turkey we want to start traveling again with our meanwhile 3 year old daughter. We hope to find opportunities where we can help and stay and be together as a family as well.

    We like to really get to know different cultures and lifestyles and most of all the people and their lives with all the different conditions. We are not so much interested in sightseeing or just visiting a country but in spending a time together with you and connect as far as this is possible. After workawaying in America and Italy we are looking forward to new workaway experiences and are sending kind greetings to all of you who take time to read this.

  • Interests

    Art & design
    Plant care
    Yoga / Wellness
    Winter sports
    Van life
    Cooking & food
    Charity work
  • Languages spoken

    German: Fluent
    English: Fluent
    Turkish: Intermediate

  • Skills and knowledge we'd like to share or learn

    We're interested in:  

    Life at a Farmstay
    Eco Projects

    Some knowledge of:  

    Babysitting and creative play
    Being an elderly companion
    General Maintenance
    Helping around the house
    Charity Work
    Helping with Computers/ Internet

    Able to teach about:  

    Creating/ Cooking family meals
  • More details about your skills

    In our jobs we used to talk and be present with people a lot. So every duty concerning people is maybe something we can offer, no matter if it's about adults or little or bigger kids. We recently spent three months in Nepal and were working in a school in a remote area teaching English and other subjects in English, which we also liked. In general we can imagine to do a variety of different things and try to learn even new things. Deniz loves cooking - and not only loves it but is really good in it...
    She can cook and share what she knows and is always happy to learn about new recipes and ingredients. We both are used to use communication tools and Computers a lot, so we maybe could offer help in that field as well. Though we have only little experience with gardening or farming, we would like to see if we can pick up things and learn if you show them to us.
    And if it is of any interest Tom could offer Meditation classes, we both could offer Training, Coaching and Counselling.

  • Age

    42 & 52

  • What else ...

    We do not have a fixed route of travelling, so please do not hesitate to contact us, we might be inspired by what you write and.. come.

  • Some more information

    • Smoker

    • Driver's licence

    • Allergies
      so far we do not know :-)

    • Special dietary requirements



