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Help in a family farm in the middle of Padana Plain, Northern Italy

  • 155 “me gusta”
  • Última actividad : 20 sept 2024



 Estancia mínima:  1 mes o más



  • Descripción


    Our farm is located in the heart of the Po Valley in Northern Italy. It is very close to the Po and Oglio rivers and the cities of Mantua and Sabbioneta. It is also about 50 minutes from Verona and Lake Garda.

    If you like peace and quiet and the countryside, it is definitely the right place for you. We are far from the city, immersed in the countryside of the Po Valley. Next to the farm there is also a small grove, planted by our family where it is nice to get lost in small walks and thoughts.

    Our family has been running the farm for more than a century, but in the in the last 25 years we have shifted away a bit from farming by been offering educational activities for children during the spring .

    The family is now small, and the farm only has three inhabitants: Vanni, Virginia and Virginia's sister, Maura, a lovely woman who sometimes needs some company.

    We are looking for someone who is willing to stay with us for an extended period of time (1 months or more)

  • Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Tipos de ayuda y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Trabajo de caridad
    Proyectos artísticos
    Práctica de idiomas
    Compañía para ancianos
    Cuidado de animales
    Cocinar para toda la familia
    Ayuda doméstica
    Mantenimiento general
    Ayuda informática
  • Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de sostenibilidad de las NU que intenta conseguir este anfitrión

    Objetivos de las NU
    Fin de la pobreza
    Hambre cero
    Salud y bienestar
    Educación de calidad
    Igualdad de género
    Agua limpia y saneamiento
    Energía asequible y no contaminante
    Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico
    Industria, innovación e infraestructura
    Reducción de las desigualdades
    Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
    Producción y consumo responsables
    Acción por el clima
    Vida submarina
    Vida de ecosistemas terrestres
    Paz, justicia e instituciones sólidas
    Alianzas para lograr los objetivos
  • Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Intercambio cultural y oportunidades de aprendizaje

    Unfortunately, we do not speak languages other than Italian very well, only a little bit of English, French and German. For this reason, we ask our Workawayers to be little in Italian, especially so that they can talk to Maura, since she does not speak other languages.

    We also have a small vegetable garden and some raised beds with vegetables on the farm, which you are welcome to use. If you are passionate or interested in gardening, here there is a lot to do and learn. There are also some wild herbs in the fields that we sometimes like to gather to enrich our dishes.

    Vanni works with wood and other materials, he is an all-around man in addition to being a History buff and more. There is certainly no shortage of opportunities to learn with him!

  • Ayuda


    We are looking for help specifically with Maura. From Monday to Friday, she spends the day at a day care center for the elderly and we are looking for someone who would like to spend a few hours with her when she comes home; chatting, taking her to feed the chickens, reading the newspaper, baking pies or vegetables from the garden, and sometimes drawing with her. Since going to the day care for adults she has discovered her artistic vein and she likes to spend some time drawing on paper.

    In the spring and fall we have a few schools coming to visit the farm and learn about agriculture under the guidance of Farmer Vanni. If you are interested, you are more than welcome to help during these visits.

  • Idiomas

    Idiomas hablados
    Italiano: Fluido
    Francés: Intermedio
    Alemán: Principiante
    Inglés: Principiante

    Este anfitrión ofrece intercambio de idiomas
    Desideriamo imparare inglese

  • Alojamiento


    You will have your own room in the manor house which is divided in two floors. The upper one where Vanni and Virgina live and the lower one where Maura lives. The bathroom is shared with Maura and the kitchen with the family but we like our Workawayers to have their independence and feel free to have lunch and dinner at their leisure. Certainly, sharing some meals together is always appreciated. Wifi is available.

  • Algo más...

    Algo más...

    Within 15km there are the UNESCO world Heritage cities of Mantova and Sabbioneta, while other places such as Verona, Lago di Garda, Cremona and Parma or Ferrara are not far. The landscape is very flat and there are lots of low-traffic roads so it's ideal for visiting the area by bike. Some of our guests even did day trips to the Garda lake by bike!

  • Un poco más de información

    Un poco más de información

    • Acceso a Internet

    • Acceso a Internet limitado

      Acceso a Internet limitado

    • Tenemos animales

    • Somos fumadores

    • Puede alojar familias

  • Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    Puede acoger a nómadas digitales

    You will have your own private room with a good Wifi connection.

  • Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    Espacio para aparcar autocaravanas

    We have plenty of space, with electricity outlets and water faucets easily accessible.

  • ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?

    ¿Cuántos voluntarios puedes hospedar?


  • ...

    Horas esperadas

    4/5 hours/day, 5 days/week maximum

Número de referencia de anfitrión: 581889962211

Comentarios (29)



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