
Tiny house and cat refuge project on Vis Island, Croatia

  • Favourited 1299 times
  • Last activity: 1 Jun 2024



 Min stay requested: 1 month or more



  • Description



    LGBTQ+ fam welcome!



    CURRENT STATUS: I'm looking for TWO PEOPLE (a couple or friends traveling together) to help me with a bit of camp cleanup and path maintenance for a week sometime between June 8 and 18.
    Other than the brief summer special, I'll need help for probably the last week of October, all of November and December 2024, then again for February through May 2025.

    The tasks involve cleaning up some of the debris that's accumulated over the years, walking some of the manageable items down to the trash, putting bigger items in one neat pile for removal at a later date, and using clippers to widen some of the paths you'll be walking on when not carrying trash out. There's not that much trash, so you could easily just put in an hour or two every day, and even have days off. Another task I need help with is carrying cat food up from town, which means adding a bit to your backpack whenever you walk up. I need people who are self-sufficient, because although I'll also be living on the land in June, I'll be busy with other work and will rely on you to get these tasks done. All other details are as described below, except that it will be pretty hot and you won't be feeding cats. It'll probably be too hot to sleep in the tiny house by then, but I have a small tent that can fit two people.

    I like for arrivals and departures to happen on the first of the month with a one-month minimum unless my schedule requires something different or you can stay longer. My long-term goal for this project is to find people who are a good fit to stay for several months at a time.

    I prefer to host couples or friends traveling together because off-grid solitude can be daunting, especially in winter. If you're truly a loner, great, but people have come here alone thinking they could handle it and found the solitude to be challenging.



    This is probably the easiest workaway you'll ever find because all you have to do is live in a tiny house and feed cats twice per day. OMG, sounds too good to be true! What's the catch?

    Well, the living conditions here are most likely rougher than you're used to: princesses need not apply. Without even mentioning the cat caretaking part, here's the short version of what living off-grid in my semi-remote location entails.

    There's hiking up or downhill through a small forest to get to and from town, and in winter it can be cold, dark, windy and / or rainy. If there's no sun for days, you might lose power, but I have a big power bank for backup. You'll need a backpack, good shoes and a headlamp: no suitcases!

    One more time for the people in the back: NO SUITCASES. Once you get here, you'll understand why.

    You'll need to carry your own food and water from town to the tiny house, and every two or three days you'll need to carry cat food up too. You'll also need to carry all trash down the hill to town.

    There's no fridge, no shower, and the toilet is outside. Of course, you can find ways to bathe, and you can come to my house in town once a week to take a hot shower and do your laundry, but up on the land it's very rudimentary.

    It's also a beautiful alternative to the excess we're all accustomed to in our everyday lives, providing a chance to reconnect with nature, to learn how little we really need and how resourceful we can be. It might even be life-changing.



    This offer attracts people who think it will be an easy experience, and in terms of actual WORK, it is. But make no mistake: it's rugged, rough, and there are all kinds of hardships you may not want to deal with. To make sure reality isn't too far off from expectations, I've tried to think of and describe every detail that could be a deal-breaker. If any of the things in this long list make you go "ugh!", good! At least we know this isn't for you, and we won't waste each other's time.

    If you're not seriously into cats, please stop reading now: this is not for you. Cat caretaking is more than feeding: it requires people who are passionate about cats, attentive to them, and communicative with me. Cat food and water bowls need to be washed regularly, and empty cans need to be carried down to the trash in town. I've had people come here who weren't really into cats, thinking my workaway would be easy, then quit, not even staying long enough for me to find a replacement. This is a nightmare scenario for me: I can understand someone getting here and then realizing it's not for them, but in that case, I would expect them to at least stick around and help me until I can find a replacement. Know yourself and honor your commitments.

    Accidents happen. Even though the colony is healthy, sometimes a cat will show up with a wound that requires treatment. There are two enclosures for convalescent cats: I'll provide whatever meds you may need, and teach you how to administer them. This doesn't happen regularly, but it happens.

    Wait, is that a bad thing? Most of the cats stay in the Sky Garden, which is the feeding zone, but a few like to hang out with whoever's staying in the tiny house. I've had helpers who locked the cats out at night, and ok, they survived, but I would much prefer people who love inviting the cats in to cuddle with them at night. This seems like a no-brainer to me, if you're a cat caretaker.

    This is a big "ugh!" for me. I know, because I do it myself from July through September. I'm old and out of shape, so hopefully it'll be easier for you. But still... You have to walk up and down the hill carrying things in your backpack pretty much every time. Carrying your food and extra water or drinks up, carrying dry cat food up every two or three days (depending on how you organize yourself), carrying your dirty laundry down then carrying it all back up once it's been washed, and most importantly, carrying your own trash and cat trash (empty cans) down regularly. People tell me it takes about a half hour each way — it's longer for me because I'm slow.

    I'm neither a micromanager nor a babysitter. The whole point of having help on the land is to free up my time for other important things, like paying work and caring for two other cat colonies as part of the cat rescue project I founded here on Vis. I give people a thorough orientation on the day they arrive, remain in contact via messaging, and see them whenever they're in town for showers, laundry or to pick up cat food. When people stay for at least a month, I come up at least once (maybe twice) for a short work session and communal lunch, to socialize a little. But mostly, you're on your own. This is why I prefer hosting two people at a time (couples or good friends traveling together): if you're applying solo, please give me a story from your life that proves you can handle solitude. I've had some GREAT solo helpers, but need to know if it's a good fit before you show up and decide it's not for you.

    This is nature, there are critters, DUUUH! In addition to cats, you might occasionally see a rat (probably dead, killed by a cat). There are mosquitos, wasps, horseflies, regular flies, bees, butterflies, birds and bats. There are also hedgehogs, non-poisonous snakes, lizards, big spiders, small scorpions, and other creepy-crawlies. Some of these are more active in the warmer months, and unless you're allergic to wasps, none of them can kill you.

    Living without creature comforts like running water, washing machines, and so on can be challenging for people who like things to be spic and span. If you're a germophobe, stop reading now: this is definitely not for you! I ask helpers to keep the place clean, but different people have different ideas of what that means. I don't provide maid service between helpers, just fresh bedding. If incoming helpers don't approve of the camp's cleanliness, I apologize, provide them with whatever they need to get it up to snuff, and hopefully we can move on without further problems. Remember, this isn't a vacation home: I need helpers because I just don't have time to do everything myself!

    In fall, winter and spring it can get very windy, cold, and sometimes rainy. These conditions alternate with mild, warm and sunny days, so it's a mix. In winter we occasionally have a few days in a row without much sun, in which case the solar power in the tiny house might stop working. I have a big power bank and work lights to get around that, though, so you won't be sitting in the dark. The more sun we have, the less likely this is to happen, obviously.

    This is much less of an issue off-season, but my neighbors have a family farm with a big, loud generator they run occasionally. Off-season it's very occasional, but in summer it's every evening for several, hours while they host dinner guests at their table d'hôte (only open in summer). If you're lucky, the wind will blow the sound away from you. If not, you should be able to escape it once you're inside, or on the other side of the structure. And if you listen to or play music it might not even be a problem, since your music will be closer. Some people haven't been bothered at all by the generator, but for those who are super sensitive to noise, I have to mention it.

    It's semi-enclosed so you can cook in wind and rain, but I just want to be clear that it's not INSIDE the tiny house. There's no fridge, and you'll be cooking on a burner attached to a gas tank via a tube. There's a picture in the photo gallery that gives you an idea of what it looks like, although people tend to rearrange it to suit their needs, so it changes a bit with each new team or helper.

    There's a cistern that catches rainwater, so you can heat water in the camp kitchen for spot cleaning, then come to my house in town once a week to take a hot shower and do laundry. Depending on the month, free showers in town may also be open.

    You put greywater into the bucket, do your business, dig a hole somewhere in the poop-burying zone, empty the bucket into the hole (paper goes in a nearby trash bag), cover your mess like a cat and voilà, you're done! The box lid has a plastic toilet seat attached to it and lifts up so you can access the bucket. I think it's a great system, but this could be a deal-breaker for squeamish types.

    Doctors' bizarre work schedules, lack of equipment, and difficulty communicating are some of the obstacles you're sure to face if you need emergency help. Serious cases require a trip to Split - it's all a logistical nightmare and a colossal time suck, so if you're prone to injuries, this might not be a good fit for you.



    If none of the above has scared you off, you might love living on the land. You can read my feedback to hear from the many people who've loved it too.

    Your purpose will be to feed and care for a colony of 15 to 20 cats. In and around that, I just want you to live your life and enjoy Vis!

    As previously mentioned, I prefer hosting TWO PEOPLE at a time (couples or friends traveling together) because unless you're a hardcore introvert, you’ll need each other for company. Vis is desolate in non-tourist season, and you’ll be almost alone on the land. My neighbors will be there occasionally too, but they have their own lives and you won’t have much interaction with them unless it happens organically.

    I'll accept solo travelers if you're sure you can handle being alone in a remote location. It's a nature-loving introvert's dream come true, but it's not for everyone.

    I would like each team or person to stay for at least one month, from the 1st to the 1st. I would love to find people to settle in and stay for longer periods if it's a good fit for us both.

    This offer will be available every year from October through May. Check my calendar to see which periods have already been booked.

    In bocca al lupo!



    My land is a 30-to-40-minute hike uphill from the port of Vis. It's a nice walk uphill to the edge of town, then along a relatively flat dirt road with a great view of the bay, then uphill again on a footpath winding through a forest, then finally along the crest of the hill on a very rocky footpath that slopes gently into the valley along the edges of fields.

    The Earth Garden consists of the tiny house, its backyard, a couple of small fields, and a tiny forest. It sits on the edge of a small valley where my neighbors have a family farm.

    A small solar panel provides minimal electricity (light and plugs), and you can get a signal for mobile data, but sometimes it can be glitchy. There's always free wifi in town, though.

    There's no fridge, but there are large and small gas-powered cookers, as well as a small cast iron wood stove for winter heating and cooking. I'll provide kitchen equipment and drinking water, but you'll need to provide your own food.

    There are two single beds, bunk-bed style, with bedding.

    The most beautiful part of my land is the Sea Garden, where you can go to enjoy a view across the sea to Hvar, Brač and the mainland mountains in the distance. There’s also a rough-cut walking path nearby that can get you down to the water (the bay of Rogačić) in 20 to 30 minutes, depending on how athletic you are.

    I leave the island for a few weeks in both April and November, so for those months it's extra important that you be very self-sufficient and communicative. I'll always be available to answer any questions you may have and to put you in touch with someone who can help you if I'm not there.



    Your main role is to provide a human presence for the cats, to feed them every day and to give them some attention. I'll provide cat food, of course.

    The cat work is most important to me, but it’s probably also the easiest. You'll just need to walk over to the nearby Sky Garden every day, where I camp from June through August. I like the cats to eat in the morning and again in the evening. The 15 to 20 cats who call that place home may not all be there at the same time, but that’s about how many come there to eat. I’m hoping that you'll also enjoy spending time with them and giving them some love. Some of them will visit you in the Earth Garden and I don’t mind if you give them treats there too, but I'd like to keep the main feeding spot in its established place.

    I come up once or twice during the month, as my schedule allows, to work with you a bit on camp maintenance and to share a meal. The whole point of you being here is to free up my time, so don't count on seeing me much. I'm very responsive online, though, and unless I'm asleep, I answer messages immediately.

    To me, the hardest part of this experience is walking up and down the hill carrying things. Some people have told me it's not that big a deal and that they actually enjoy it, so it really depends. The more physically fit you are, the better.



    Fall, winter and spring on Vis have many sunny, mild and beautiful days, but there are also dark, cold, windy, stormy, rainy and occasionally even snowy days too. Sometimes it's warm in the day, but very cold at night. I've camped on the land in a festival tent through the end of November and again in early spring, so I know what I'm asking people to deal with. The tiny house is the best thing I've ever had, shelter-wise: you'll be in relative luxury compared to my crazy adventures.



    The island gets busy during the summer tourist season, but is rather quiet during the rest of the year.

    If you love hiking, you’ll be in heaven here. Vis has many hiking trails through hills and valleys, often with stunning sea views along the way.

    Walking all around the bay of Vis is nice at any time of year, and there’s a bus to and from Komiza every morning and evening, so you could go to the other side of the island and walk around there too.

    Exploring the island by bicycle or scooter is also fun.



    In addition to the NO SUITCASES rule, there's one other NON-NEGOTIABLE part of this journey: you need to be in Split the night before coming to Vis, because the only ferry that will get you to Vis in time for us to walk up the hill together and for me to show you around is the one leaving Split on most days at 11. On Fridays it leaves at 10, and on holidays I'm not sure, but we'll check all that once we know your arrival date.



    If you've read this far and are interested, reply with YES, PLEASE! in the subject line and we can schedule a video chat.


  • Types of help and learning opportunities

    Types of help and learning opportunities

    DIY and building projects
    Animal Care
    General Maintenance
  • Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    Cultural exchange and learning opportunities

    This workaway is about getting back in touch with nature, so the only person you'll be dealing with directly is me. I'm an introvert, so you won't see me much, but there's an island full of Croatian people for you to go out and meet, if you're into that sort of thing. Download a language app, learn a few words and phrases then go out out and practice! People always love when you try to speak their language.

  • Help


    Cat caretaking and general land maintenance

  • Languages spoken

    English: Fluent
    French: Fluent
    Spanish: Intermediate

  • Accommodation


    A stone shed converted into a rudimentary tiny house with bunk beds and a small cooking space

  • What else ...

    What else ...

    The island of Vis is a nature-lover's delight.

  • A little more information

    A little more information

    • Internet access

    • Limited internet access

      Limited internet access

    • We have pets

    • We are smokers

    • Can host families

  • How many Workawayers can stay?

    How many Workawayers can stay?


  • ...

    Hours expected

    2 hours max per day max, 7 days per week (feed cats morning and evening))

Host ref number: 586875764165

Feedback (65)



These are extra optional ratings when members leave feedback. The average rating left for each option is displayed.

Accuracy of profile: (5.0)

Cultural exchange: (4.9)

Communication: (5.0)

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