Homestays, Volunteering & Working Holidays in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

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Mato Grosso do Sul



  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
Learn about Pantanaeiro culture and improve your skills training horses in Pantanal, Brazil
- for us no problem if you don't speak portuguese - if you want to know more about us we can have a videocall We run an ecoturism hammock&camping site and ranch located in Pantanal, an wetland area, with incredible nature and wildlife.  We take ......


  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
Come be part of our project and have a great time in Campo Grande, Brazil
Hello there, reader and traveler. I'm Pedro. My project is going through a revival right now, and our current goals are mainly to have a good time and find out the direction to go in the future. One thing I can assure you: we will have a great time ......


  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Come and help us on our farm in Mato Grosso do Sul
We have a farm and since a few years we have been putting effort to diversify our production. Nowdays we have been trasitioning from a big monoculture farm to organic and diversified style. In addition to that, as a long term goal, we dream to be ......