Homestays, Volunteering & Working Holidays in Cambodia

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  • Sustainable project
    Sustainable project
  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
School NGO near Siem Reap looking for volunteers to help teach English, Cambodia
We are a young non-profit organisation that works with the community and the local schools in Bakong District (16km from Siem Reap) to provide English classes for underprivileged children. Our goal is to provide the children with skills to speak and ......
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Our little paradise needs a helping hand in Koh Kong Province, Cambodia
A little lost paradise in south Cambodia needs your help! We are situated on Pak Klang beach in Koh Kong province, just 8 km away from the border with Thailand. From March 2020 my husband (Thibault )and I (Marija)made our dream come true by ......
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  • Language exchange
    Language exchange
  • Cultural exchange
    Cultural exchange
Help teach languages in the countryside near Siem Reap, Cambodia
Hello. I am Sovannarith , the founder and director of the place, a children's charity located in the countryside near Siem Reap. I speak English and want to educate our children with a key focus on language skills like English, Chinese and computer ......